
Benefits of using fiberglass?

Fiberglass is a material that has been used in construction because of its strength, durability and versatility. It can be used in a wide variety of applications, from the manufacture of structures for the aerospace industry to the construction of boats and swimming pools.
In this blog we will delve into what fiberglass is, its characteristics and ways to use it effectively. Read on and find out!

What is fiberglass?

It is a fibrous inorganic material composed of very fine glass filaments that intermingle to form different reinforcing structures. This material is produced by melting rocks and minerals at high temperatures, which are then stretched and extruded to obtain the fine filaments.
The advantages of fiberglass are that it is available in various formats, such as mesh, tubes or rods, which makes it highly versatile and adaptable to multiple applications.

Properties of fiberglass

Fiberglass is characterized by a series of properties that make it a very valuable material:

  • Lightness: It is an extremely lightweight material, which facilitates its handling, transportation and installation.
  • Resistance: It has exceptional mechanical resistance and dimensional stability, even superior to steel.
  • Insulating: It is a good thermal and electrical insulator, which makes it suitable for multiple applications.
  • Impermeable and anticorrosive: Fiberglass does not corrode nor is it affected by chemical agents, which makes it resistant to weathering.
  • Non-combustible: Being a material of mineral origin, fiberglass is fireproof and does not spread fire.

Senior man cutting fiberglass.

Benefits of using fiberglass in construction

Fiberglass offers numerous advantages in the construction industry

  • Corrosion and wear resistance: Fiberglass is highly resistant to chemical agents, weathering and impacts, making it an ideal material for exterior applications.
  • Lightweight and easy to install: Its low weight facilitates handling and installation of construction elements, speeding up the process.
  • Thermal and electrical insulation: Fiberglass contributes to energy savings and electrical safety in buildings.
  • Versatility: It can be adapted to multiple formats and applications, from sheets and railings to structural components.
  • Low cost: Compared to other materials, fiberglass is an economical and accessible option.

Factory where fiberglass is made.

In short, the benefits of using fiberglass has become a key material in the construction industry thanks to its exceptional properties and advantages. One of the leading companies in the distribution of raw materials for the composites' industry, including fiberglass, is IMATE Composites. With a presence in North America, IMATE Composites offers innovative and high quality solutions to its customers.

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